Wally Wood
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stuff. For complete pages, it was a page… Twice a week, I would ink ten pages in one day”.
Artists’ representative Renaldo Epworth helped Wood land his early comic-book assignments, making it unclear if that connection led to Wood’s lettering or to his comics-art debut, the ten-page story “The Tip Off Woman” [sic] in the Fox Comics Western Women Outlaws #4 (cover-dated January 1949, on sale late 1948). Wood’s next known comic-book art did not appear until Fox’s My Confession #7 (August 1949), at which time he began working almost continuously on the company’s similar My Experience, My Secret Life, My Love Story and My True Love: Thrilling Confession Stories. His first signed work is believed to be in My Confession #8 (October 1949), with the name “Woody” half-hidden on a theater marquee. He penciled and inked two stories in that issue: “I Was Unwanted” (nine pages)
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