Was that “Poseidon” incident a true story or a made-up movie? And did the captain of the ship,…?
Question by Steveman3014: Was that “Poseidon” incident a true story or a made-up movie? And did the captain of the ship,…?
,..make the incredibly retarted move of turning the boat sideways when he saw a big wave coming toward them in the middle of the ocean? Wouldn’t anyone with half a brain realize that if a huge wave smacks into a vessel, that it’s much more likely to tip if it gets hit on its side than head-on? Had the captain not made the stupid move of turning the boat sideways, the boat would’ve gotten hit head-on by the wave, glass might have shattered, the boat would look a little smashed up by the force of the water, but it most likely would not have tipped upside down, it most likely would have stayed afloat.
Fiction or non-fiction, I don’t know which the movie is, why was the captain so stupid in his decision-making? Did he panick too much to think rationally and logically?
Best answer:
Answer by concerned neighbor
It was a novel that was adapted to a screenplay.
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