Web-video Campaign Creation 101
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Web-video Campaign Creation 101
Everyone knows what television commercials are, how long they are, and what the various formats and styles consist of, ranging from the hard-sell detergent ads to the soft-sell feel-good stuff.
Most people, especially those addicted to late night television also recognize the standard infomercial format with the familiar over-enthusiastic host, obnoxious pitchman, the ebullient paid shills, and the fabricated, fantastical demonstrations. And of course, let’s not forget the ever-present “But wait there’s more! Call now and get even more…” There are many ways to effectively delivery a marketing message and this is not one of them.
What’s a Web-video commercial anyway?
Maybe it’s just us but I’m finding more and more clients open to the idea that Web-commercials need to be something different, something