What are some good special effects I can use for someone’s brains being blown out?
Question by Jake (AKA Captain Crash): What are some good special effects I can use for someone’s brains being blown out?
Me and a few friends are making a movie. During the course of this movie, I have to blow somebody’s brains all over a wall. How can I do this? The wall in question isn’t my own, so it has to come off easy.
Best answer:
Answer by Joe
First thing to do is to cover the area that will be splattered in vasoline. No Im not kidding. It will help protect the wall and will help the product you choose come off quite easy.
The best mixture that seems to work quite well is you’ll need some red Jello. Make it like normal, except dont let it thicken all the way. Stir in either fake blood from any halloween shop. Lastly, for the brain matter mix in either cooked spaghetti thats been chopped and mushed or boiled caulliflower. This actually makes a pretty damn convincing brain matter. Now you can either pull away and just show the splatter with the sound of the gunshot or if you want to show it, youll need a kit to make a latex mold that you then fill with the mixture. This is incredilbly easy to do but instructions should be followed and all safety precautions followed when messing with latex. Also, I wouldn’t tinker with latex kits or even fake firearms with out being 18
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