What can you tell me about Intelligent Design? ?
Question by QueenofYack: What can you tell me about Intelligent Design? ?
Ok someone tell me the basics regarding ID?
And what is the difference between ID an Creationalism?
I watched Expelled last night with every intention of trying to understand ID a little better and well it gave me a headache.
So what can you tell me about ID and why it should be considered a valid theory in the world of science? More importantly, since the movie attempted to make a point of saying ID had nothing to do with religion what can you tell me about ID that is indeed separated from religion?
Thank you..
Best answer:
Answer by emucompboy
Intelligent Design is Creationism that doesn’t point specifically to the god of Abraham as the agent of design.
It isn’t science, since there’s absolutely no evidence for it whatsoever.
It isn’t really separated from religion, since all the proponents of Intelligent Design are Christians. It’s been used/abused as a method to sneak teaching God back into public schools.
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