What defines an “art film”? The new Brad Pitt a Jesse James movie has been labeled such; what makes it so?
Question by John M: What defines an “art film”? The new Brad Pitt a Jesse James movie has been labeled such; what makes it so?
I read a couple of movie reviews, which described it as an “art film,” and also noted it would be distributed in “limited release.” I have been to movies in “art houses,” but there has to be more to “art film” than when/where the film is released, I would think.
Best answer:
Answer by A B
Art film can be classified as something that takes an contemporary issue and the flow is non commercial with out unbelievable stunts, graphics etc. Any realistic film can be classified as art film. they are the one who usually gets the awards. They are done by independent films who makes it out of the conventional studios.
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