what did you think of twilight?
Question by nikkis89@ymail.com: what did you think of twilight?
In my opinion it blew big time on a scale of 1-10 i give it a 2 if that it was so freaking bad…
I just watched it a few hours ago and everyone loved it…i don’t see how if they read the book. It was such a big let down most of the movie wasn’t even in the book and half of the book just got left out.
oh and what was up with the special effect with edwards skin? it was so nasty he looked like he went and stuck his face in sand..it wasn’t supposed to look like that at all.
Bella’s acting sucked she kept doing this thing with her eyes..it was really annoying edward was butt ugly (you all know he is quit lying to yourself) all of the actors did a horrible job and didn’t fit the story at all .
This is defiantly a book they can not make a movie out of, there is just no way to do it without ruining it…
I hope the do not make new moon a movie to..they already ruined twilight enough
Best answer:
Answer by almost lovers always do
Honestly I wasn’t that impressed with it. I’m glad that they followed the basic story line but it just didn’t pull me in like the books do. The special effects weren’t good at all, Kristen Stewart kept fluttering her eyes and it looked silly, and I don’t like the way they made Edward sparkle, he looked fuzzy to me. Don’t get me wrong it was an okay film but, I just think that Paramount or Fox could have done a much better job. So what are your opinions?
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