What goes through people’s minds to do such things?
Question by Henry: What goes through people’s minds to do such things?
I don’t quite understand the mentality of some people. This person wanted to show “Terminator Vision” … but in this he clearly uses a distressed and hurt animal still alive on a trap. One of the options is to “throw out with trash” – and that would clearly imply throwing a still alive mammal into a bin where it will no doubt take a long time to die, agonisingly.
What really offended me was that this person used the suffering of said animal as a form of entertainment, to showcase special effects. As if it was something trivial, a common process in making a movie like this. Clearly this person has very little in ethical standard, which begs the question:
What goes through people’s minds to do such things?
The person who made this video is apparently in his 30s…
Cavassi: I am offended by the fact that he used the animal’s struggle (and no doubt pain) as a vehicle for entertainment. But I do oppose glue traps on moral grounds, just FYI.
Best answer:
Answer by Aaron
man i blame his parents or however he was raised… poor kid and mouse
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