What is a good computer program to make a movie file from a series of JPEGs?
Question by water_skipper: What is a good computer program to make a movie file from a series of JPEGs?
The images are JPEGS. They’re already in order by file name. I’m hoping I can find a program that will just let me quickly select a whole bunch of files and not do too much work. I would like a choice of what video file type it would make and how many frames per second. Ideally, I’d also like to convert the resolution of the images, but I can do that with a separate program if I have to. It would be nice if the program was available for a free and legal download.
Best answer:
Answer by balqan2002
Adobe Flash can do it. When you import images you can select to import a whole series of them. Flash will also let you chose the number of frames per second and you have a quite a wide selection of video formats you can export your movie.
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