What is some good movie making software (read description)?
Question by Death Walking Terror: What is some good movie making software (read description)?
I need a software for making documentaries and here is what I want narrowed down a lot:
Less than $ 300
You can have titles and credits like in Windows Movie Maker
Able to have audio (music) in the background
And if you can please post some tutorials for the software
Best answer:
Answer by Sameh
Cyberlink PowerDirector
70 USD. Very few softwares cross 100USD
Reviews/Tutorials: http://video-editing-software-review.toptenreviews.com/cyberlink-powerdirector-p1137-video-1.html
I use it personally, and what i like is it’s low memory requirements. no need to buy new hardware. Also, it’s novice friendly and has many features more than WMM
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