what is the best book series and movie series harry potter or twilight?
Question by : what is the best book series and movie series harry potter or twilight?
1) did twilight make more money in the box office than any harry potter movie?
2)did twilight make any more money than harry potter movie world wide?
3)did any twilight book sell more than any harry potter book?
4) do all the twilight series together make more than any harry potter one book?
if the answer is no
then why people compare them
if the answer yes.
then is twilight best book of this centary?
Best answer:
Answer by White
Both of them suck, just because Twilight makes more money than Harry Potter or otherwise doesn’t make it the best, that’s like saying because I like Orange Juice over Apple Juice then Orange Juice must be the best drink in the world, which it isn’t.
Neither of them are any good, Twilight is written badly and Harry Potter is uncreative.
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