What programs are best?
Question by Eevee: What programs are best?
Well…Today I came across a song that I wanted to animate. Of course, I only use MS Paint and Windows Movie Maker. I don’t have money to buy other programs, But all I want is to have something that has a bit more effects while animating. Or in other words, I want a free program that has effects and is a bit easier than Paint. And even movie making programs can be great to have. I’ve tried Paint.Net and Pencil, also adding GIMP 2.6, But they all screwed up my animation…. Any help? ;_;
Best answer:
Answer by Left-T
Go to this link and choose the type you need, 3d or otherwise 🙂
Personally as a professional , I use Adobe After Effects.
Ulead Gif Animator is also a well-rated program
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!