what should i do in the movie business?
Question by Theo H: what should i do in the movie business?
i want to get into the movie business, but i dont know what should i do, i am deciding between three options, one is i can be a story maker for a movie, which i have created story, well actually four stories, and i do have allot of imagination, and another, i can be a movie trailer maker, and i am real good at that too, i have made a couple of trailers own my own, and i do want to be a director, that was my first choice, since i am in the process of making a movie, like I’m working on the script, right now, so i was thinking about directing my own story, and all that, so what do y’all think, and one thing about a director i dont know if i can handle the heat conditions and all that, can someone please help me out on this.
Best answer:
Answer by paulness03
You’re just like me i have debated areas of film/tv all my life almost i am going to study film studies at degree, i think if you have good imagination i wouldn’t waste it on trailer making…maybe start in a production company editing and try to work your way up? If you sell a script of get into directing i’m sure in the future you will be in a position where you can choose by preference. I recently after loving film started writing a tv script so it’s amazing how much they link together really. Try and go with what you enjoy doing the most!
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