What should I do with this screenplay?
Question by BNW88: What should I do with this screenplay?
I’m an aspiring screenwriter with a script that is almost done. By that, I mean I have a finished third draft that has received one glowing coverage and one mediocre coverage. The person who wrote the glowing coverage said I should “by all means try to sell it.” The other person said that it is a great idea but still needs work.
I agree that it still needs work and I am laboring to try and make it the best it can be. But this could take a few months. Meanwhile, I am in a desperate financial situation and really, really need money. It could take me a while to write the next draft because I’m working two jobs to keep my head above water (in LA) and get my bills paid.
So, should I try to sell it presenting the existing draft with the explanation that another draft is in the works? Can I make money that way? I feel I can make a great pitch given the opportunity. But, none of my other scripts are any good and I wont be able to present anything but ideas if asked “what else do you have?”
Best answer:
Answer by clit_niblr28
Hmmm… I would try to find an agent or someone who deals with these matters to help answer your questions in greater detail.
Good luck.
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