What steps do I need to become a movie director?
Question by Austin: What steps do I need to become a movie director?
Hey there I make videos on youtube AKA I direct them and I really want to become a movie director because I just love writting and directing my own videos, heck I even have fun voice acting at times to. My only problem is that I dont know how to make it into this career… and I want to know what I must do to become a great movie director? What types of colleges should I look up? Are there anyrecomendations? And any other info can help. I really would like some help in this.
Best answer:
Answer by Kate Logan
There are a lot of schools where you can learn a broad range of things that a director must have an understanding of – screenwriting, cinematography, acting, editing, etc. But, lots of the time people graduate (even the most talented ones) and have few job prospects because they don’t have a lot of employable skills and they have to work their way up from being production assistants getting coffee.
Most people aren’t going to be hired right out of the gate to direct until they have really proven themselves and paid their dues.
I think one of the best paths to becoming a director is to learn to edit. There are a lot of directors who started off at editors (check out these articles on my ftp site – bit.ly/arHNc8). Also, if you know Final Cut Pro and/or Avid, there are a lot more job prospects out there and allow you to be more creative and move up faster than just being a PA.
If you want to go to school for film editing I’d recommend checking out VIdeo Symphony, they are the only school I know that offers a program just for editing.
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