What type of file should i make for a movie to play in Germany?
Question by rockdrummer5206: What type of file should i make for a movie to play in Germany?
My friend from Germany (I live in the USA) wants me to make a movie about USA and my High School. So when i edit it in adobe premiere, what format should i export it as so she can watch it in Germany? How would i burn a German DVD? Does it matter that i have an American video camera?
Best answer:
Answer by scottidawg@rocketmail.com
It honestly has nothing to do with the country in any way shape or form; it depends on what type of computer he has. If he has itunes then save it in MP4, that’s your best bet for quality. If he has a Windows without itunes then you can save it in WMV. Depending on all the software you could save it in any of these DVD, VOB, AVI, DivX, XviD, MPG, AVI, MOV.
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