when is Midnight Sun going to be released?
Question by Kimkat40: when is Midnight Sun going to be released?
ok i have been waiting to read it for like ever and im ready for it to be released does anyone know when stephanie meyers is going to finish it for if she ever is and if she is when is it going to be released ?
also, does anyone know about the making of New Moon (movie)? is there going to be one or are they making it what im so lost on this kind of stuff please Help!
Please & Thank you very much for your answers!
Best answer:
Answer by Angel
ok, the new moon movie is already being made (or so ive heard) and is coming out next december, i believe. but plz dont take my word 4 it im not ENTIRELY sure
as 4 midnight sun, its gonna be awhile b4 she releases it, cuz ppl were illegaly posting it all over the internet. so im not sure when she’ll release it, although im pretty sure she said she would. just not now
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