When making an iMovie movie, can you add text over only a certain portion of video?
Question by Miranda: When making an iMovie movie, can you add text over only a certain portion of video?
I have added a lengthy video to iMovie, and I want to insert text over only a certain portion of video. I know when you add different clips, etc. you can insert over only those frames. However, when I go to add text over a continuous video, it automatically makes it over the entire length of the video. I want it to just appear for approx. 5 seconds. Can/how can this be done? Thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by Becky
For title ( if using the ’09 version) on your tool bar over on the right will be a T symbol. This is for txt and or titles. Select the title you wish to have and drag it over to your video editor. It will show a blue cover over the image of the video clip, this shows how much time it will take up. ONce you place it there will be a blue bar above that video clip and you can then click and drag it or make it longer by dragging out either side of the blue bar. Hope this helped!!
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