When you sell a screenplay and your name is listed on it for the story how is the money split?
Question by correyamon: When you sell a screenplay and your name is listed on it for the story how is the money split?
How would the money be split between the two writers, one being the actual writer of the script and the other being the one who came up with the idea for the story.
Best answer:
Answer by magicboi37
Hi Correy!
It really differs from deal to deal are you the idea guy or the writer. I have friends that are Pro writers and they all work alone one of the reasons is the deal tends to change if the script becomes hot. Only about 2% of the scripts out there even really get considered for anything and of those only a small percentage get made into anything. My feeling is try for a 50/50 deal if you are the idea guy and a 70/ 30 ( in your favor) deal if you are writer
as the writer has the tougher job . But for future things definatly make up the terms before you write it or let the idea go and i know it’s hard but put it in writing as word of mouth is worthless today ( I know I have been stung a lot)
Good Luck!
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