where can i download windows movie maker for free?

Question by Brian: where can i download windows movie maker for free?
i really want windows movie maker for the videos im making for youtube mostly because im really great with the software and i just got a new laptop without the software so i’m asking that you please share with me a link to where you downloaded the software. if u didn’t download it and it was automatically with your computer could you please tell me how to find it in my computer. thank you so much.
also i got this laptop Jan 28 so it has the newest form of windows if it matters.

Best answer:

Answer by Niema
Sometimes it depends on what kind of windows you got. I got it but I didnt have to download it. You go to the start button, if you have Microsoft, go to the search part at the bottom of the star and type in “Windows DVD Maker”.It should pop up. Or click all programs at the bottom of the start and scroll down until you see it say “Windows DVD Maker” or “Windows Movie Maker”. There both the same thing so it should’nt matter.

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