where can i find the last scene of the movie new moon?
Question by Danni: where can i find the last scene of the movie new moon?
the scene where edward asks bella to marry her…at the very very ending of the movie right after she has to choose between jacob and edward? i didnt SEE it, i just heard it (because i was making out..oops.) and i kinda want to see her reaction. and also could someone tell me what alice said right after she left pissed. when she was in the house with bella and jacob and she got mad, said something and walked away. i would really like to know because i was in another world and i just saw it but didnt hear it (lol) and it looked like she dissed bella so plz help me with those two things.
Best answer:
Answer by Lynnsey K
Alice goes to leave cause Jacob there and Bella asked her to come back and Alice said she would as soon as she put the dog out. She wasn’t mad at Bella just Jacob. Also, I have been told that u can see the movie on the sites, but I havent tried yet. doesthatwork.co.uk
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