Where or how can I learn EVERYTHING about the MAKING OF MOVIES?
Question by Man-atarms: Where or how can I learn EVERYTHING about the MAKING OF MOVIES?
I am interested in learning about making movies. Where or how can I learn about the ENTIRE process from the script reading untill the post production and release of the movie?
I have watched movies since I was a kid and I know that making a movie is hard work but I never knew what is behind all the magic. Any good source of info?
Any good books?
Any good Sites?
Thank you for your time!
Best answer:
Answer by kbldshmn
I recently saw the Rob Zombie movie, “The Devil’s Reject”. There’s a 2nd disc containing the ‘making of’ DVD. It’s a 2+ hrs movie about the making of the feature film which took place over 30 days. In it, Rob Zombie and the other members of his team walk you through the process. “The Devil’s Reject” is a pretty good movie in of itself, but for your question, you might considering renting it for the ‘making of’ DVD.
CinNews in Perspective Radio also has some podcasts of movie making as an interview of Matt Crick, an indie filmmaker / professor in some NY film school.
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