Where the hell can you download a free movie making system that isn’t wmm?

Question by Kuri: Where the hell can you download a free movie making system that isn’t wmm?
Grr…… windows movie maker isnt working for me because when you try to open a saved file u cant see the movie, but you can hear it and I don’t know how to fix it. So dose anyone know of any other FREE movie making program I can download? (A link to the site would be nice…..)

Best answer:

Answer by vbmica
Tab ZS4


Used to be called Zwei-Stein.

It is about the only good one left that is free since Avid FreeDV has been discontinued.

Amazon.com sells Adobe Premiere Elements for only $ 65 (USD). If I were doing any amount of editing, I would buy this rather than using the freebies. It is a professional program with a very good user interface.

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