Which mouse should i get?
Question by W123: Which mouse should i get?
i’ve got a 15″ Core i7 MacBook Pro and i don’t like to use the trackpad for anything other than web surfing, so i’m getting a mouse.
i use Final Cut Pro and other editing software to make movies, but i also like to play games like Halo, COD6, GTA 4 etc. on Boot Camp (and, yes my Mac can run them beautifully.. no PC fanboys here please) so i’m having a hard time deciding what type of mouse i should get.
i’ve had my eyes on the Razer Mamba (wireless) , Apple Magic Mouse (wireless), and the Razer Orochi.
which one would be the most versatile (could be used for video editing and gaming) i like my mice to be VERY fast and precise, but i always end up breaking precise wired mice because i travel alot and the cords sometimes get stretched, so wired mice are no an option for me. sorry
nothing over $ 120 or so unless its really worth it
Best answer:
Answer by Plywood
I would suggest the razor mamba because it is an amazing mouse it ahs a nice feel and it is very smooth. ( PS: I’m a PC fanboy tee hee )
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