Which movie-making software is the best?
Question by Party Girl: Which movie-making software is the best?
I’m an ameteur film-maker, and I want to know what the best film-making / video editing software there is. I’ve been looking into getting either Adobe Premeire or Powerdirector. If anybody with hands-on experience could help me out here, that would be great! Other suggestions would help too. Oh, and the most I would want to spend is $ 100. Thanks!
Please don’t suggest Windows Movie Maker either! That’s what I’m already using, and I would like a step-up. Thanks.
Best answer:
Answer by supersonic6741
well for getting started you could use windows movie maker. the best thing is its simple to use has many effects and tools you need for now and best of all its free and already on you computer! (if you have widows)
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