Which website idea should i start?
Question by Ryan Johnson: Which website idea should i start?
Over the summer, I would like to start an online business. My goal is to eventually make six or more figures a year. I have a few ideas, but I’m not sure which idea sounds the most profitable.
1. A website where users can list, buy, sell, trade, and auction off websites and or domain names. A place whee people can buy and sell websites. I would allow people to create an account for free, and a seller could list his website or domain name for sale by paying a small fee. A other user could buy the site he/she wants with the buy now price, or be entered into the auction for the site where they compete with other people. Right now, there is only one site that does this called flippa.com. The problem is, everyone hates the high fee they charge to list a site (19 bucks). I already have a script for my site, and if I charge smaller fee, create a user interactive friendly version, and implement my marketing plans, I could easily beat flippa. Flippa is making some good money (4-5k a day).
Pros: make money from selling ad space and charging small fee. Not much competition.
Cons: not really any.
2. I would buy golf bags, clubs, shoes, etc. Wholesale, and dropship them to customers on my website. The problem is, I’m competeting with huge names like golf galaxy, golfers union, and thousands of sites.
3. It would be like image shack. It would be a website where users pay a fee, and then they can store, host and share images on my secure server.
4. Sell hosting plans. Start a web hosting company. There is tons of competition.
Although I like all ideas, I think I’m aiming at the first idea. Do you think it could be profitable? Do you think it could make me six or more figures a year?
Best answer:
Answer by j k
1. Godaddy and ebay already have a huge market on this – not to mention other sites. As well, there are several forums that do this, with no middleman.
2, Any number of sites do this as well. Not including ebay.
3. Why pay when you can get it free?
4. Well, if you’re prepared to be available 24/7, or hire a crew to run your servers for you, it could be viable. It will take at least a year to get in the top ten for google (maybe) for the term web hosting or hosting. It’s not about ooh I’m going to throw up a web page and resell hosting plans.
You need to be absolutely prepared to be available for handholding, at least in the beginning or they will leave. Look around on this site for questions a hosting company gets.
5. How many times are you going to ask this question? Summer is almost over. You spend more time asking the question than actually implementing an idea. Just sayin.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!