WHo is a famous modern person(actor, leader influence) to make movie about?
Question by NEB: WHo is a famous modern person(actor, leader influence) to make movie about?
I have to read a biography about a famous person, and i decided to make a movie about that person. I prefer someone living in modern times, like Jackie Chan(cuz he is the man) or Michael Jackson, or like anyone else who isnt historically way in the past, like old prez(andrew jackson, teddy roosevelt =_=”). Anyway, who is someone to make a good movie about(5 min) or even an art project of any artsy kind. Thank you
Umm, i should add that i have to dress up as the person the day i present. And if u really want to go far for brownie points, could you give me an idea of how my movie should be? THanks
Best answer:
Answer by §ôñîα [εϊз]
how about sharuk khan
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