Who’s the biggest loser now?
Who’s the biggest loser now?
Over the last ten years, there’s been a dramatic shift in the diet of television programs. In the good old days, there were the usual gameshows, dramas and comedies. For the most part, they were all scripted and carefully rehearsed. For producers unsure of audience reaction, there was always canned laughter to tell us when something was supposed to be funny. Life was predictable and boring quite a lot of the time. Then the studio executives woke up to a threat. If programming really was getting not a little boring, advertizers would not pay so much for their slots. Profits would fade away. They would be out of work. But how to cut costs? Hey, those writer people — they sit around not doing much and pulling big pay checks. Let’s go for reality tv. No more scripts, just ordinary people making jackasses of themselves in their search for fame and fortune. This