Why did ancient Indian social classes merge as small castes into rig Vedic civilization of religious Hinduism in India despite following the way of em
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the unit of the society as state based on the need of mutual agreements among all the conflicting tribes at that time. Till that time, all those who were the leaders of the respective units in their tribes now turned as a body of state consisting of the members of the other tribes to run the state affairs through the body of the elected members from all the tribes in the society. In essence every human being from such ancient periods was to work in a specific working hours within their limitations, was effectively changing and the burden of work within the specific period of time was in increase even to present to such a level, that pushed majority of the people are living under stress due to burden of the work within the time from in which the duty at the state and its affairs was one of many of the human being from that ancient periods to the present date. now working at
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