Why did ancient Indian social classes merge as small castes into rig Vedic civilization of religious Hinduism in India despite following the way of em
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Why did ancient Indian social classes merge as small castes into rig Vedic civilization of religious Hinduism in India despite following the way of em
Why did ancient Indian social classes merge as small castes into rig Vedic civilization of religious Hinduism in India despite following the way of emerging to the level like, Egyptian, Babylonian, Macedonian, Persian, Greek, Judean and Roman, Empires from small level of groups, in world civilizations according to global time line?
How does both the Marxist and capitalist philosophical crisis get stimulus from the each other (8 of 10)
While discussing about the Roman Empire with its related Punic wars with the Greeks, the reasons of introduction and expansion of the slavery and its unavoidable relations within the Greek society was discussed in a detailed account in presenting the internal set up of the society before entry of the Romans. There was interlinked with other small societies within the Greeks civilization. The common
ground for establishing the other foreign invasions were a common for all societies and such arrangements were led to leave the original places for the other territories in search of the newest colonies as their primary need both internally and in external purposes of consolidation of the royal kingdoms everywhere in the world. Due to lack of single cultural societies in a most of the societies where these societies were lost its ground of its existence while the period of internal and external disturbance which were always favorable for the outsiders.
Moreover there was no such possibility of growth from ground level to the highest level of single empire because no empire is based on the single cultural society in the world where it had been grown to such a level which could challenge the others because the human settlements and migrations were made themselves with
each others to search the other on several reasons. Most of them could be in search of natural resources with security for the entire human settlement which were moved like a mob with all their belongings whatever they had at that time in a massive way. And another way was to consolidate their base at their original place of their settlements they were thought to carryout the expeditions of the sacking the other areas of the world.
Consequently the society which was understood as a single unit and it has its basic need of united effort in cooperation with its leadership of the internal different societies which were we already discussed about as the direct development of the emergence and growth of such non-productive fields which, gained complete control prior to the stage of the carrying the invasions for other territories because the whole society was in support
of the leadership affair with military affair of the kingships in all most al civilizations where such expeditions were carried out from there or against such societies were under invasion of the other territorial aggressions in the world.
It means the societies which were directly not emerged from its own in originality but it was in mix of the others with small group levels, for such social changes were envitable at the time of emerging the societies to the level of common and broad societies as single civilization in all civilizations in the world. It is the phase of growth of the a single society through the mix of the other society into it and it could be changed its original feature of the single cultural unit and the unifying factor of the two or more societies into it to become an able society to emerge to the level of the kingdom and to the might of the
In the social system of the Roman, Greek, Egyptian, Israeli, and other major systems of the societies, the foreign bodies were brought into its whole system with an another added commodity as an asset from out side was to give rise to the original conflicting diversities of the societies. In other worlds, the non-productive and productive system of each and with its diversified subsections in each had been fastened the societies scope and potentiality as a whole was the first, in the bifurcation of the societies into two and each and every of its subdivided had to contradict with its parental and external contradictions as first contradiction in one set of major contradictions. The society was again slipped into another set of contradictions within society against the out side-foreign slave market. In essence, there are three contradictions had come into
being in all these societies in a broader way. Consequently, the very nature of society was slightly happened to change beside the change of the scientific developments in the field of both productive and non-productive system of sustainability and in its governance. So the contradictions were directly, could never expect to come out openly in all the times, because the balance of the system was seen as to calculate each and every benefit of every field in the society had been assessed and led by its active forces against the whole system of society against its governance only. And the invisible influence of the state’s activities could never be seen always in direct form in materialistic way, but always proved as unavoidable fundamental focus of the state on the minds and lives of the people within the limits of the state.
In other words, the types of rebellions could
be divided into three types in every state after the introduction of the foreign commodities into their societies either in the form of humans as slaves or in the form of commodities from the other markets of the societies after the period of invasions either from itself to the other or from outside into its own as the new addition could change the very nature of the social system and its value with validity for its both internal and in its external affairs. To confirm it, I need one example here for its change from the scope and nature of the society. From the Greek market the king was forcefully brought out hundreds of slaves to the Rome in its early period of rise to the level of complete empirical nature, the rich and privileged class in the Rome began using the cheaply engaged labor from the slaves, for their domestic works.
Till that time, those engaged in such
work, at the rich and privileged sections at Rome, began feeling that their need was no more for the rich class and they had been neglected by the masters who engaged them in their productive fields especially in agricultural works. Then the roman society was widened with its scope through the accommodation of the new product in its stream of social and political spectrum. In essence the local labor became cheap and found no value in its system of production. Consequently, every sphere of the society had been gone through the change with such new change and it could deliver the new results in and against the society including the polity of the Rome. Hence the rebellion models were also changed from its very nature of social structure in leading such rebellions.
Consequently, the rebellions could be divided into three kinds in its very nature in every society. Of them
one was, the nobles against the king’s monarchy by the same class people who were driven out against their system of governance, with and without support of the common class which did not know much about its plans and planned ways for their benefit of the nobility and kingdom at that time without considering the driving and leading reasons for their rebellions. The second category of the rebellion was led by the inspirations and indirect supports of the same noble and rich classes to those who did not have any king of relationship with the king’s affairs and kingdoms issues, but based upon living as “unconcerned” class’ people who could lead some common people against the king’s affairs and his subjects. It is always beneficial to those who were nearest to the nobles and rich class and would give some results in the form of reforms only from the side of the kings’ monarchy in
the interest of the whole system of the kingdoms. But these were always unsuccessful in its attempts against its rulers, because, they could not be able to gather the support of the people who had been engaged in the productive sections of the societies and confined only to small level against the king’s affairs and against few or many in total issues only. These kinds of rebellions were waged by the royals and princely sections in the society for the direct position of the kingships only. The third of its kind was that the small level wages’ increase, demanding working conditional facilitates, from the productive sections only against the masters of their own where they were working at the farms, or at the house, or at the temples, or at the state run societies.
These kinds are completely based on the socio-economic system of the societies only and they could never be
thought about to resume the power from the seats of the monarch’s or of the kings or at least for the seats in anyway in the society .a human would never be lived like an animal for his while life. Of course few animals like acts of the humans would never change the original nature of any human being in any society in the world. Because human nature would never allow him to be fixed in a circle of eat, work, reproduce, and die, like a bull in this world. if it is possible, for the human nature, the ancient kings, dictators or the proletarian dictators, could implement already in the new model of the world is not like what we are looking it, if it is possible to arrange the food, shelter, cloths and small type entertainment time to the poor and down trodden people in global level by their capitalists in their respective states, the people would never do like what they were
provided on such fixed conditions. Why it is not a question to think about the ever-changing attitudes, desires, and in demands of the human beings in their lives for further change on their conditions of living at that time even after providing the basic needs for his living like a human not like an animal in the nature. In essence the human natures always not to understand like commodity or any other material lifeless thing. If it is understood to the world that the humans are nothing more than the animals to feed them, and to accommodate them and give dozens of pairs clothes with free of entertainment for a certain period in their twenty four hours, the global monarchs, capitalists, feudal lords could arrange them in such a way like a prisons in every society and could control they like a masters in the zoo, but they understood that it could never be possible to
understand the human nature for a long time, if in practical sense for a five thousand human beings on the written agreements for the period of five years agreements if they have been provided all such facilities like a militarily cantonment, after some time some other, would start saying something more from the existing facilities there and next time some more would follow in some other way, and next some others in another form and it will go for closure in few years. That is why the reasons behind the failures of the big revolutionary governments in the world could be found behind the negligent attitude towards the people and suppressive measures of the state either revolutionary or capitalist nature could never live so long as the leaders wishes under un willing and non-supportive conditions of the society. At some point these leaders of the great communist parties, which
have given a great assurance to the entire man kind for the equality with equal rights not only in their states, but to all the people of the nations also, proved as failed one in practice, because they stopped responding to the voices of their own people in a Communist way what was the most desirous human way for them to receive in their days.
Once the leadership stops the understanding the voices of the people, means it is a starting point of separation from the communicative relationship with the people in understanding each section of the state with the state directly or indirectly. This kind of gap in the state from the state forces to the different sections of the people which ultimately leads the people and the state in their own ways, to start thinking for the alienation from the interest in each others welfare. It is not only applicable to that a state in past
but it is also applicable to the world communist parties and for the leaders. If revolutionary leadership is in such a practice of not admitting to the newness and not willing to understand the newness from the society and the people who are always desirous for it they would become in similar way of conservatism they would become Conservative Revolutionaries. Till now the Indian people have seen the practices of the Conservative Communist Parties and now it the turn of the Revolutionary Parties.
And ever changing trait in the human nature is the “pulse” of the living societies in which all the human beings live for themselves till the death by passing all the phases of life upon whom the state has been depended all time to the present system of the capitalism which favors mechanical system of approach in every sector of the society and in every section of the state.
How long the social and political system of the state they want to catch away from the people, the people would chase them how long they lead the social and political system with them for their service and wellness against the wishes of the majority people in the state, according to the human nature. it would continue in the nature of the humans because it is human nature itself that could never be changed by any way either it’s from the proletarian a state or from capitalist state to suppress it . So that the tendencies of the reactionary thoughts once have taken place in the minds of any leadership, they could be called conservative revolutionaries which were already happened in the both big states in the world. Now in India the most of the revolutionaries are in the similar way of stopping the thinking on the ever-changing needs, conditions, social progress and mostly
about the human nature, which is why I call them conservative revolutionaries. The military cantonments and establishments are different, because they were already in agreements for the time period, along with all assurance to their family and their children even after retirement too. More over these specialized sections comparison is not needed here. But the question is such the human nature could be understood in each and every time because it is like a flow and like a wind it could never be assessed nor assured about specific acts from them on certain causes and in reasons. But it is continuous process from the ancient period to the present time from time to time in changing situations of his living conditions in every society in the world. The great efforts are applying on the broad human bases in the world in a way to make them like animals and making more dependent on
the material than the other humans in every space where the human acts are needed only due to keeping the point of human natures in the mind, to replace with the machines. and leaving the humans away from the social participation and works of the dependence of these poor and depressed on the capitalist classes so as to avoid the dependence of the human upon another humans in the society because “bearing” point is in vapor from the boiling pots of the heat of the systematic arrangements in the present systems of the societies including political and economical in every state as an unavoidable and un controllable acts of the mechanical applications in the world.
That is why the Aristotle’s popular saying has become old and the new another is generated in present capitalist societies and the human is now become the domesticated animal of the state. Every one and each one
had become influential and interrelated and interdependent with each other so as to live each other so separately as a matter of security and running away from the “bearing” as a boring point in every section of the society. It is another reason to call the rebellions in the place of the revolutions. “Revolutions” are man made. Rebellions” are “spontaneous” without attempt of political thoughts of any particular people. Spontaneity is a short lived “rage” and it had positive and negative effects at that time on the societies. The twentieth centuries’ two revolutions are also known in the long run of the world history of the states, as short “lived”. So in his fifth book, politics, Aristotle has described on the causes of the revolutions as” Both democracy and oligarchy are faulty as pure types of government, so people who believe in these pure, unmixed types of government are
likely to rebel when they find they don’t have as much power as they think they should. The idea of democracy is rooted in the notion that people who are equal in any respect are equal in all respects (all men are equally men so ought to have equal political power); the idea of oligarchy is rooted in the notion that people who are unequal in one respect (amount of money or property) are in all respects unequal (so, in particular, ought to have unequal political power). So inequality is the universal and chief cause of revolution.”
The categorization of all such what I call rebellions, or in other words, “internal” disturbance in the society against the subjects of the kings, or of the seat sharing in the power of the king’s subjects on any name they could add to their claim but all had been ended with the adjustment of the king’s affairs and in their positions as one
of its naturals if these were induced and waged by the noble class and the royal families against the kings in the history of rebellions in the world. Another class of the rebellions which could be seen as it was waged and motivated by the opponent’s of the kings and royal families by supporting some sections of the society whose identity could be established as the thieves, robin hoods and bandits if I say in Indian context and in the other terms of the Arabian knights from the history of the monarchs from the ancient times.
And the third and fundamental question of rebellions against the kings and monarchs in the history, by those whose reach could never be expected to touch the royal walls or of the court of the kings, because these sections were always in the service of the society and in the productive and in non-productive fields and in the number of divisions
which were always tended to struggle against their different masters in the society. On the other causes of revolutions, further Aristotle continues saying as “While the desire for equality or inequality is the chief cause of the revolutionary feeling, the ground of these are the desire for gain and honor, or the fear of dishonor and loss. The causes of revolution are deeply rooted in the psychology of people.” The word “honor” he was used now becomes more valuable than his time in Greece, but it gained much more validity to add to the word “gain”. If it separate from each in present context both will loose total validity in the society. The working class sections of any society in the world could be divided into two sections as a section of productive and non-productive sections in a broad way on the totality of the society in a mix of another service oriented sections. In
essence the working class is divided into three different sections only, in which only is was and is depended largely upon the productive fields of the society only upon which the entire burden of the society including the expenditure of the state with its organs and the service related sections of the society.
This section did not produce any product from the society but consisting of the direct, indirect, and partial involvement into the productive fields of the society, but could not add in the list of the productive fields of the society. And the last and the major part of the society on the name of state, including its organs, do not produce any commodity from the field except in security and service sectors as its customary affairs of the state with its organs in the society and keeps its dependence on the society only. So the very nature of rebellions and
struggles from the ancient period to modern capitalist society could be understood through the participation of the sections in the rebellions against the kings and kings’ affairs. While in additional section of development through the scientific achievement always were benefited to those sections who owned it either from the day of piece of wooden in floating for crossing the river side, to the present nuclear weapons against the other small nations in the world covering the penicillin tablet to the expenditure of on going research work in finding the drug for aids patients in the modern world. In one word, if I say, the people in the society from the time of melting and molding technique of the iron to the present production of the machinery equipment of the roads, and dams’ constructions all were belonged to those people who possessed the productive tools in their hands in
the different ways of earnings these from all the way of inventions in the modern society in capitalism. Scientific developments through which the nature and composition could be changed by the diversified ownerships of the classes from every development in this field no poor, and downtrodden was and is benefited in owning it and those who owned such equipments in the long run of the society they could be no more in the list of the poor and under privileged people in the slave, feudal, and in capital societies in all civilizations in the world.
The social development either through the capital and resourcefulness would never be proved in the history of society as sufficient to lead the society into progress and advancement but it further require additional knowledge of making it more useful and make it very beneficial to the market is much more important than the
possessing the ownership of it in any society in the world. The capitalism was introduced not directly from the assets of the British who collected the wealth from the colonies over which they had the power to rule but the contribution of the scientific developments through the industrial revolution the phase of financial society is originated.
If it is we think that the wealth of the society is sufficient for the achievement and advancement of the society, it is not wise thought of those who think about it. In Kerala, a coke company got the permission for utilizing the water from the nearby sources for a simple cost, and preparing the coke cool drink, and selling in India for Rs twelve the same people in Kerala. The iron ore mines were permitted to some global companies in India on some nominal payments, and in return the Indian people is buying the same
iron from them at the highest cost in the same Indian markets. It is another way about to lead the subject but, it is here to high light the need of scientific knowledge is needed to any of the material which is in the form of raw, then only it come to the another form and get the complete recognization as a new commodity in the market and the market would only feel credible according to its terms and buys it from them. Here where as the labor, if anybody added to any item, which has not in value, in the eye of the market, that would become a commodity in the market, and would get profit out of it only.
At the same time the raw material for the manufacturing the paper, the machinery, if could not be found in Briton, the paper would never be prepared. It is another subject, if I continue the topic into the benefits and the process of the commodity; it would be
turned into the subject of political economy of the Marxism. However, I discuss about it in detailed manner in some other time, in separate article. In essence, the fruits of scientific developments and advancements are certainly the common people are enjoying at the cost by paying to its masters and owners from ancient times to the present capitalist system. But it is never become as an equipment and tool in the hands of the poor, downtrodden of the society. The cost for utilizing the scientific equipments the common people are paying to the owners and to its masters as customers and unitize it without owning since the period of the ancient settlements. So the science and its development in the society in which the common people were kept away from its ownership. Ownership of such developments leads to the change nature of the owners from the common men to owner of such
equipment as capitalists in the eye of the society, in the world. In all these kinds of transition of the nature of the society from its nature of feudalism to capitalism and the change of the status of human being by owning the productive equipments of the society, the role of the state is found as mute spectator only between the two parties of the exchanging of the nature of the individuals as well as the society.
The total definition of nature of the society and individual is depended upon the ownerships of the production material and equipments of the production of the society. At the same time, the state in determining the definition of the very nature of the individual and the society, pays no role because these parties of the society pays its taxes, to the state through a system of social sanctions of the decision making bodies which are filled in by
those people who could be depended upon the nature of the sate and its statutes only. In essence, the state and its complete machinery is depended upon the members of the society in which the process of becoming rich capitalists from the mere position of the sales boys in a small period of one or two decades, and from the position of the rich landlords to the daily wage labor is a complete business of the parties in the society as a members for which they have to pay the taxes to the state, and the state would never be interfere in the entire process of the financial transactions and transfers of ownership. In the modern times, especially after the industrial revolution and after the emergence of the working class and proletariat the state had adopted the system of looking after the welfare of the people in almost all the states in the world.
The proletariat
class and its protection of interests while working in the sweat shops and keeping working conditions and the struggles against the capitalist sections in mind the states in the Briton and in Europe and in America some time tater, the adopted to take some welfare steps in favor of the proletariat class at the cost of the capitalists who were unavoidably forced to pay the taxes to these states. Consequently, the states’ duties after many struggles were widened and rooted into the lives of the proletariat because they had been recognized as the registered voters who needed to vote the people to become the rulers politically in the state and on the name of the popular form of democratic governments in the world.
These developments from the side of the proletariat and the capitalists were initiated through the role of the state and with its organs which were
widened from time to time by adopting many from the society into its fold from the productive and non-productive sections of the society in all the states in the world. So the proletariat and other working class which consists large section in the society on one hand, and on the other hand the rich and capitalist classes of the society do exists and continue in their business of the society and transactions of the economy of the society. On the other hand, the state, which is nothing but the mix of the capitalists, proletariat, and other section as one in the society and runs the state affairs basing up on the written constitutions of each state separately in the world. The structure of the society and composition of the state with its all active forces including the role of scientific advancements, and the, most important part of the humans and with their nature from the
time of driving inspirational spirit of the religion and the conflicts and cooperation of the state and religion would be serialized here according to the role of active forces in and against its another active player in the society from time to time. Athenian constitution, written by Aristotle, in 350BC, was divided into three sections. In first section .there was twenty two parts. Section three continued from section twenty three to forty four and section three continued from forty five to sixty nine Parts only. Before discussing the contents of the written constitution of the Athenians, it is essential to understand the conditions of the society with its achievements as the political structure has its roots completely in the economic structure to play the balance role of playing the both sides of the social economy as well as their economic position in tact with all such
decisions that would never effect the economic foundations of the society as a whole and their economic interests in particular.
The Macedonian territorial state in a broad sense and its society in ancient times were formed with number of independent tribes within its territory and know as independent nations, such as Brigians, Illyrians, Thracians, Edonians, Paionians, and Pelagininas. The area of these states was very rich with mines of gold, silver, and iron and the climate was very conducive for the different tribes who were seen as one and frequent changes in alliance against each other and continued as such to emerge as one mighty from all of them in a major part of the region and known to the world as the king, Perdica (721-678BC) in the year 729BC, who made his capital at Ajga which was located in high mountains without connection of the trade at his
time. The Macedonian, state, society, culture and their language also very separate from the Greeks, but in the passage of the time and accomplishments were added in the account of Greeks like the existence of the small kingdoms in India prior to the period of rig Vedic civilization. In 776BC, the first Olympic Games were organized as a mark of truce among the three kings in Greece.
The long journey from Macedonia to India is not to neglect without reference of his expedition of the Alexander the great here in the list of the heroic adventures in the world, but it shows how the courage in need of the search of the richness of the Indian soils in such ancient times in the context of the potential elements of the times in the societies and in states where the kings had ruled with large contingent of armies in a way to develop their home states. He returned
from India back to Babylonia before the situation could change against him while in expedition. And the “honoring” history of Greek political punishments to the philosophers also known to the world through the case of the great philosopher, Socrates on his adverse teaching to his students in the Athens against the rulers at that time with ‘a cup of hemlock” as a punishment of death.
The wars as the royal sport, in which many legendaries died in search of potential resources by living on the edges of life and deaths in ancient times would never go waste without comparing the period of the present kings of the states, waging the same wars by watching the bombing scenes on the TV screens is a subject of definite shedding a light on the science and technology the human achieved, without leaving the necessary greed of winning territories for their own people
allowing to leave to live on the sweats of the global poor and under privileged sections of the third world states. And the word’ genesis” was originated from the Greek language and become the known word to the world that it is the first chapter of the bible. The importance of the Greek language, the Athenian constitution, and the trade relations in slavery with the roman empire made the world civilizations to know about its contributions to the growth and development of the societies in long run made me to concentrate on some of its issues mostly from ancient period related to the other developments in their Greek society here for further discussion. The Greek mythology in which one of the gods ‘sign of half bull and half man’s body resemble to the god of death in India mythology, which shows the similarity of the roots of the origin of the gods and its concept in the
minds of the people.
While confirming the way to derive the subjects from the ancient civilizations, it is necessary to go into depth of the issues, in which the language occupies first in its role through which the ancient people wanted to communicate the content from another according to the needs of that time.
it is very difficult to identify and confirm about the origin of the first language in ancient civilizations in the present context of the different claims through the intensive finding on the origins of the language families, but it is also not in vague to understand the claims without going through its depth and into its related families of the origins in the ancient world. In a general consolidation of the list of ancient language in which as per present evidences, I can say that the Sumerians cuneiform language was the fist and
the people of that time also had been proved and established their relation in some other languages of the time. At the same time the African and afro-central languages, when their script was absent in the list of the languages found in these days, no claim would be entertained for them.
There were many civilizations in the form of small settlements from the origin of the human, it is certainly and must be related to that region only even though all that could be buried under the debris of the history of the time. the claim on the language systems in the ancient civilizations the first appeared in the form of understanding to the minds of the researchers of the present time on the unearthed issues and on such mysteries leaving them out as undecipherable language scripts, could never be taken into account because it would lead to some other way from the
discussing points and of the issues here. While short listing the ancient languages to keep its connectivity to the every development of the ancient societies into records by the ancient historians, it is to take the Latin, Greek and Hebrew languages into consideration as to depend as a sources of the historical events and its developments in the record for the evidence on any claim about the issues in the present discussion.
If Indus script is deciphered, many mysteries of the historical events and social developments could be brought out and become useful in many ways to the modern world from the Indian side. Moreover, there is no need to emphasize that the first origin of the humans, could connect their communication system in any form of the languages, but it is directly suggesting the modern world to go to the most ancient settlements of the African
regions where there are still chances to find many more evidences to keep connectivity to the serial issues in the form of language including the mysteries of the settlements with establishing the new order of the family relations further into detailed account either in support of the biblical events or in adversarial facts through the presentation of the findings. So that Latin, Hebrew, and Greek languages are known as the languages connected with the content to the other languages in the world.
Apart from many developments in all ancient civilizations, the people of Greece, in the city of Athens the written constitution was for the first time originated under the pressures and conflicts among different class sections of the Greek society which was not with the people of alone Athenians or of the native of the Greece but it was the complex in its nature. The
king salon was the first to introduce the written constitution in a most matured way through which the nature and development of the Athenian society could be understood directly. The society itself was very small in number with its citizens and with the habitants at that time, but the duties of every one who had been assigned the duties for the society and for themselves by taking part in the state machinery which was really seen as a source and spirit to the roman empire in later period after wars against the Athenians. The state, as a source for buying peace from contradicting sections against each other to form themselves as a single unit on the basis of mutual consent and understanding in sharing the state power and its responsibility in building their state as strong so as to face the foreign invasions efficiently. So that reason they were allowed to make the top class
people to compromise with such a low class people including the free men only by keeping their own privilege in state machinery by forming a permanent machinery to settle the issues once for all by accommodating all such quarrelling tribes in Athens.
The contributions to the developments of the selected issues from that boiling point of the society by different classes, under the force, by the king, solon who was appropriate to the society of the Athens at that time by initiating such constitution as a remedy, and later on it was proved as the most visionary steps were what he had taken during his reign for maintaining peace and prosperity in the conflicting interest of the class society of the Athenian state in Greece. The economic structure of the society had been elevated into the power structure in the form of the state in the same society, as they were
assigned to do the work in addition of their own to the state on the name of their society through the selection of the offices first from the existing each tribes at that time in such a proportion which was required for the maintenance of the balance in the society.
Here the generation of the state machinery was neither derived from out side not from the shadow of the social structure but it is an additional duty of the individuals of the society and directly related to their mind and body of the human beings, because they were and are the more centric in the human society than the mechanical operatives in any way all the time. So that the sections of the Athenian society had been taken the new role to resume the duty along with their routine works and the new and additional working time within their specific timings were created in another form of
the unit of the society as state based on the need of mutual agreements among all the conflicting tribes at that time. Till that time, all those who were the leaders of the respective units in their tribes now turned as a body of state consisting of the members of the other tribes to run the state affairs through the body of the elected members from all the tribes in the society. In essence every human being from such ancient periods was to work in a specific working hours within their limitations, was effectively changing and the burden of work within the specific period of time was in increase even to present to such a level, that pushed majority of the people are living under stress due to burden of the work within the time from in which the duty at the state and its affairs was one of many of the human being from that ancient periods to the present date. now working at
the state affairs, they were wanted to have the remunerations from its own structure of the state in which they were formed a part even they were in mutual consent in the interest of their class interest, they were to plan to increase the state treasure to see the works of the state in their interest through the offices which were the permanent in its nature with the men to change from time to time from that ancient period to the present date in all affairs in the state. In the eighth part of the constitution all such arrangements had been done in such a way as they thought fit at that time. Following is the complete of it.
“The elections to the various offices Solon enacted should be by lot, out of candidates selected by each of the tribes. Each tribe selected ten candidates for the nine archonships, and among these the lot was cast. Hence it is
still the custom for each tribe to choose ten candidates by lot, and then the lot is again cast among these. A proof that Solon regulated the elections to office according to the property classes may be found in the law still in force with regard to the Treasurers, which enacts that they shall be chosen from the Pentacosiomedimni. Such was Solon’s legislation with respect to the nine Archons; whereas in early times the Council of Areopagus summoned suitable persons according to its own judgment and appointed them for the year to the several offices. There were four tribes, as before, and four tribe-kings. Each tribe was divided into three Trittyes [=Thirds], with twelve Naucraries in each; and the Naucraries had officers of their own, called Naucrari, whose duty it was to superintend the current receipts and expenditure. Hence, among the laws of Solon now obsolete, it is
repeatedly written that the Naucrari are to receive and to spend out of the Naucraric fund. Solon also appointed a Council of four hundred, a hundred from each tribe; but he assigned to the Council of the Areopagus the duty of superintending the laws, acting as before as the guardian of the constitution in general. It kept watch over the affairs of the state in most of the more important matters, and corrected offenders, with full powers to inflict either fines or personal punishment. The money received in fines it brought up into the Acropolis, without assigning the reason for the mulct. It also tried those who conspired for the overthrow of the state, Solon having enacted a process of impeachment to deal with such offenders. Further, since he saw the state often engaged in internal disputes, while many of the citizens from sheer indifference accepted whatever might turn up,
he made a law with express reference to such persons, enacting that any one who, in a time civil factions, did not take up arms with either party, should lose his rights as a citizen and cease to have any part in the state”.
While the Greek society was in preparation of its internal adjustments within the society, by forming unanimous opinions about the other foreign invasions in the Athens city in the year of the solon’s reign, 350BC, the Macedonian and the Roman Empire were in different conditions at that time. One Macedonian king was in preparation of the war and the other roman society was busy in its conflicts and invasions of other tribes the same time. The Romans were busy in dealing with the issue of power sharing in the senate with the Latinas at that time; on the one hand, on the other hand, it is known that the Romans were sent two armies against
the samnites, known as, and the first samnite war in compania (343BC to 341BC) who were the war like people in central Italy these people were already captured some area from Etruscans and some from the Greeks at that and were in war with the Romans for a while , but could not keep the same spirit of unity among themselves but, they broke out between sanmites and compania within its own areas. Consequential relief of their loyalty they were declared to the roman armies and the situation was brought in favor of the Roman Empire and reinstated their old alliance again at that time. Further, it is about the roman army which was divided into two contingents as a war trick to win over the Carthagians there, of which one was in camping for the invasion and another as in reserve against the sanmites at Mt Gaurus, near Cumae. And they won the war there against them and brought the
area of northern part of compania.
While in the war period, the wealth, and booty whatever the armies were won, were belonged to the state treasure, but is this war it had been changed on the demand of the soldiers for the share, from the wealth and booty what they were won in the war along with all the payments from the state treasure. It is evident to believe from the writings of Mr. William. C. Morey, who noted in his ” out lines of the roman history” as “only on the passage of a solemn law declaring that every soldier should have a just share in the fruits of war, regular pay, and a part of the booty; and that no soldier should be discharged against his will.”
It is the another law generated from within the law of the military affairs of the state under the command of the consuls in roman empire, in which the soldiers were a sole part and
parcel in the expedition work of sacking foreign states and their wealth with territories in which the soldiers wanted a share in the booty. Of course, in the world history of expeditions it could be first in its own kind of contribution from the side of Roman Empire to the world of the empires from that period to future onwards. Whereas the Greeks were in the first Olympic Games in the year, 776BC, the Rome was never prepared to rise from its even origin and unknown to the world, because it was only introduced by the name of the kings’ remu and Romulus and roman took the great lead of conquering the Greeks at the time of introduction of the Athenian constitution in 350BC.
While in comparative developments of the states, of Greeks, Macedonians, Romans, akkadians and Indians, the Macedonians were well in advance in military expeditions as a measure of gaining
upper hands within their territories as well as making wealthy and rich their royal and related sections of the society. All these state in earlier or in late period, all the kings carried out the works of sacking the other territories for their development of the wealth. But the Indian condition was very different while passing this period of eight hundred years from 800BC to the first century of Christian era. The Indian history on the scale of global developments in the series of inventions of every step of the human beings at the site of river Indus and the later period of the rig Vedic period, at the five river banks where the Vedic culture was originated through the first book of the most sacred books of the Hindu religion, gap and complete blank is seen in linking the serialization of issues from origin of the human beings to the present conditions of the
territories, many things are missing. The missing issues are to be first identified first, and I go further in adding the available sources of evidences supporting to the claim on the happenings with linking to the facts with comparison to the other global happenings accordingly so as to get a first hand idea of the Indian chronology with serialization of the developments of the issues in the history. There are only two civilizations are known with its remains upon which many views are still interpreting about its nature, society, language, script, live style of that people, their deities, demy gods and with their mythology. But the archaeological findings in their reports are available. At the same time, in the issues of the deities and of mythology with their chronology, had already created a lot of beliefs and trusts in the minds of the people who are in majority of India.
And the rig Vedic period in which the first book rig Veda was written by the seers and saints in the Sanskrit language in the praise with devotion they continued from generation to generation in continuation with a limited families of the seers and saints.
The rig Veda as a source for the findings through the subjects and contents which has in its composition through which I may asses on the reasonable way of fulfilling the rationality in fixing the issues in Indian inventions in the way of progress and development of the Indian society in the possible way. On the side of languages, Sanskrit and brahmi, plays crucial role in support of the different claims on the specific chronology which some want to directly link to the top in the Hinduism. Of course, it is not wrong a part to see their religion in the top of the other religions in the
The list of world religions, Judaism, Christianity Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism, Islam and Sikhism, are originated in the time lines as we all know about. But the Hinduism is all the above it is different from all religions because it is one of the most ancient religions in the world. The Indus civilization and its link to the rig Vedic civilization is also a big question. In the available script and in the symbols the Shiva like posture is claimed as the lord Shiva was he in that civilization so the script of Indus is civilization was belonged their religion Hinduism. Without touching the story of the Aryan invasion theory, which was derived from the Rig-Veda, it is almost impossible to conclude the subject of the Indian history of the civilizations. For a while, if I accept the Aryan invasion theory as myth I would never be able to
present all the obligations of fulfilling many more doubts in the minds of many just because is presenting the theory as correct I must present all its related and supporting issues.
On the other hand, if I reject the theory as myth I must present all its further needed complicities supporting to my view. So keeping in view of these issues in mind, I take the method of selected issues only from the remains of the dead civilization as well as the living things of what the rig Veda discussed about in its content as a supportive for my claim actually want I want make here all along the issues of other global civilizations. The origin of the claim of Aryan invasion theory as myth was come to light by Deen Chandra, through his article, “Distorted Historical events and discredited Hindu chronology.” “It was not only misguided research but also a conspiracy to
distribute deliberate misinformation that was formulated on April 10, 1866, in London at a meeting held in Royal Asiatic Society.” The original home land of Aryans were around the seven rivers known as Saptha Sindhu, The Indus, Jhalum, Chanab, Ravi Beas, Satlej and Saraswathi, as per the opinion of A.C Dass, who put forward his view point in his “Rig Vedic” India.
On the conflicting versions of the origin and date of civilizations in Indian sub-continent is only on the arrival and the migration of the people from the other parts of world in question but the basic question about the origin of the humans and phase wise development of the human activities through their progress and building of the settlements with habitations are all they forgot in assessing the human developments in the Indian sub-continent. On the issue of human origin and his development
it was known fact to the world that the humans were developed from the African region only, and no other chances of the origin of the humans in any of the region has not to be believable fact in support of any other claims of the migrations.
While agreeing on the theory of nativity of the Aryans, by rejecting the basic concept of the migrations from other parts of the world to Indian sub-continent, it is the primary condition to prove that those people who were existed and lived at the time of Indus valley have to prove the evidences of their origin, evolution, the living conditions, growth, climate conditions, food habits, physical conditions for their origin as well as their settlements, domestication of animals, cultivation, constructions of the settlements, usage of the metals, and all other requirements from their origin to the period of the recording
dates of the history.
On the question of rejecting the view of nativity of Aryans in India the other obligations should be fulfilled on many other related questions such as when they people were belonged to the same place where they composed and versed and recited in the praise of the gods in India despite writing all social conditions covering all the subjects of the relations of the human beings have put into practice from their period to the present including forbidden relations in Indian civilization at that time. In essence here about the absence of the recorded history of the human origin and on the developments in both of Indus, and in the rig Vedic civilizations, the Sanskrit and Brahmi languages are known. In a common society of any civilization, if I call it a civilization of its own existence without fulfilling the human needs it is impossible to
elevate in serial order of the facts and issues from the unlimited storage of the historical myths, realities, and of the interpolations from unknown sources in such an ancient times when the civilization was not opened its eyes in the light of global developments in comparison with the Egyptian, Sumerian, Akkadian, Hebrew, Nubian, Ethiopian and lastly in Roman civilizations on the scale of the progressive time lines.
The rig Vedic society had passed its life like all other civilizations of the world, by directly applying the human relations with other in the matter of the social lives all along usual ceremonies of brides and grooms at a more than normal way of following any kind of violations within the set of family and in its members. It is only possible when it had been experienced with the following the barbaric and animal like lives in their social
system of the value which is never seen to check the original version of conclusions to form a unit of the family and relationship with each other. While performing the marriage function the rig Vedic society had a practice of sending the bride to her house by all her relatives is known in the following verses. These hymns are translated by Ralph. T. Griffith, and taken from the sacred texts only. The use of the word, “car” is known in the rig Vedic meaning is chariot which was used to transport from one house to another with the relatives to the wedding ceremony indicated that the civil society was already come into existence with its limitations and its own rule of blood relations and forbidden relations. It shows that the biblical society or prior to the Sumerians, these congregations and wedding formalities not seen.
The system of the wedding with sending
the daughter to her new house with blessing to prosper with children in their lives by accompanying relatives sets really the tradition practicable to the present society. It is the tradition the rig Veda was written in such a form it is still now recognize the legal sanction of the family members, especially the father who had to give his daughters hand to the man to have company by allowing to “closely unite” for many years as they were to wish the newly wedded couple at that time. it is also further indicated that those days as the history of that period in rig Veda, represented many social practices of their period and all such still are appearing in the Indian society in the form of marriages, in blood relations, bridal relations, practice of arranging functions as all these are available see in all marriages in Indian society. This is what the tradition of that ancient
time contributed to that society means it was in all most in complete form and its all requirements of its dependence, out come, and the need of the people, as well as the living systems and food habits were already formed and in continuation in that society. Two hymns are available here as how the mistress should behave with the members of the family of her husband.
“26 Let Pūṣan take thy hand and hence conduct thee; may the two Aśvins on their car transport thee. Go to the house to be the household’s mistress and speak as lady into thy gathered people”.
“27 Happy be thou and prosper with thy children here: be vigilant to rule thy household in this home. Closely unite thy body with this; man, thy lord. So shall ye, full of years, address your company”.
The system of the wedding with sending the daughter to her new house with
blessing to prosper with children in their lives by accompanying relatives sets really the tradition practicable to the present society. It is the tradition the rig Veda was written in such a form it is still now recognize the legal sanction of the family members, especially the father who had to give his daughters hand to the man to have company by allowing to “closely unite” for many years as they were to wish the newly wedded couple at that time. it is also further indicated that those days as the history of that period in rig Veda, represented many social practices of their period and all such still are appearing in the Indian society in the form of marriages, in blood relations, bridal relations, practice of arranging functions as all these are available see in all marriages in Indian society. This is what the tradition of that ancient time contributed to that society
means it was in all most in complete form and its all requirements of its dependence, out come, and the need of the people, as well as the living systems and food habits were already formed and in continuation in that society.
“28 Her hue is blue and red: the fined who clingeth close is driven off. Well thrive the kinsmen of this bride the husband is bourid fast in bonds”.
“29 Give thou the woolen robe away: deal treasure to the Brahman priests. This female fiend hath got her feet, and as a wife attends her lord”
The world treasure which was and is not a wrong to see it in such period when the other systems on the measurements of commodities and fixing up of the coins or exchange system was is practice as it could be understood through the hymns of the rig Veda while its composition time. The ceremony of Gruh pravesha, in the modern form in these days is
known as eleventh step in the marriage ceremony in the Hinduism. The name Gandharva was used as they were attended the ceremony, shows that it was not continuation of the period, because of the Gandharva practice of marriage was not in the practice at that time.
“33 Signs of good fortune mark the bride come all of you and look at her. Wish her prosperity, and then return unto your homes again”.
“40 Soma obtained her first of all; next the Gandharva was her lord.Agai was thy third husband: now one born of woman is thy fourth”.
“41 Soma to the Gandharva and to Agni the Gandharva gave, and Agni hath bestowed on me riches and sons and this spouse”.
The Gandhrvas were not from the fold of these Brahmans in India from all that past period of the composition of the part ten of the rig Veda, which was known as matured period of the Vedic civilization. In a
little point in these hymns the contradiction is clear about the car (chariot) and the treasure could never be expected any more for the practical subjects in the social system. The car(chariot)had long history in the ancient civilizations particularly it is derived from the Egyptian history who were the first in use of the chariots in expedition of the other states at the time of pharaohs and alter on all were known in the Greek and Hebrew civilizations in the world. And all these civilizations were developed by sacking the resourceful neighboring states for their survival from the question of their existence from the other’s attacks both internally and externally. If these cars in Indian Vedic civilization were used, their identity could be established with their development of their own territory as well as plundered state territories within the middle of Indian region
in all these times of the composition of the rig Veda. Where as the applicability of the word “car” as equally understood in the language as chariot, without any deviation for its true meaning from Sanskrit to English, by setting aside all other whimsical claims of the laymen on the name of nationalism which is in true practice a massive violation of the laws in organizing genocide in India as the people of India have been experienced well after the demolition of the so called babri-masjid-ram janmabhoomi.site at ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh.
It is a different thing of calculating the system of contradicting versions of each other on the basis of the head counts once in a five years, by lining up of all the issues without adjudication upon its own facts and evidences, to the performance of the political parties through elections as the finalization of all cases
once for all without considering the voices of the people. In essence every one in Indian society unavoidably reducing to land in any one’s lap of the political parties in situational basis deciding the possibilities of getting out from the problematic fold of the rules of the government run by political parties. However coming back to the point on the following hymns of rig Veda, in which the reference is made on the sons, and grand sons, the life, be passed as human life. It is the words wished for those who were within their fold without departing from it.
“42 Be ye not parted; dwell ye here reach the full time of human life, with sons and grandsons sport and play, rejoicing in your own abode”.
The prey to prajapathi, to bring children, to them which were indicated, to have his blessings in producing children, and the aryaman had been preyed to be with them
till their old age only on the invitations to their homes auspiciously. These hymns were really in the form of prey in original nature, without finding any material requirements at that time while their prey to gods, prajapathi and aryamaan.
“43 So may Prajāpati bring children forth to us; may Aryaman adorn us till old age come nigh. Not inauspicious enter thou thy husband’s house: bring blessing to our bipeds and our quadrupeds.”
The composers’ wish was seen intensely in the following hymn that they wanted the bride to be blessed with ten sons and adding the husband into one of them as the son to her in looking after his needs as eleven in the number, to indra, which means, the society was experiencing the negligence of the husbands in the family after passing of certain age with his children in the family.
“45 O Bounteous Indra, make this bride blest
in her sons and fortunate.
Vouchsafe to her ten sons, and make her husband the eleventh man”.
“46 Over thy husband’s father and thy husband’s mother bear full sway.
Over the sister of thy lord, over his brothers rule supreme”.
While reviewing the sections of the society on the class basis the rural artisans, and the waged labor, could be engaged in all these works mentioned in the hymns in which no single section of the human beings could be able engage in all these works which were referred in the rig Veda. The iron, silver, gold, woolen, wood, houses, food material, soma drink, and all others material were needed to perform the wedding ceremony of a girl. So the question is raised in the mind that there should be wide range of rural artisans agriculture produce, and men in engaging in metallic works could be existed there in the rig
Vedic society. So have a look on the history of the Iron Age in India, for application of these works to the rig Vedic society.
On the destruction of any civilization, no other civilization would revive from the zero level on the continuation of the destructed civilization’ customs and traditions from its own is not possible to think in any way wither it is Indus, or rig Vedic civilization in the Indian sub continent with a gap of few centuries. On such claim of owing the Indus civilization by the way of their beliefs and customs of such ancient Indus civilization, the answer would never be satisfy on the difference of two distinct languages at the different times. If the Indus script not was belonged those people who continued the same traditions in the new civilization rig Veda it could be direct and very communicative to the other groups of the people of their
time when they were started the speaking and writing the Sanskrit language in the praise of many gods as seen in the rig Veda, and all essential social tools in the metal could be made and owned by them without depending on the other dwellers of the main habitations in the area where they were selected in isolation of the main habitations of the people at time. The following verse shows clearly that the relationships among the human were established and in continuation of their customs and beliefs at that time when they were composed this hymn which is in the form of instruction to the daughter to behave like a queen before the father, mother, brother, and sister of her husband without any…………
continued in part-2
have spent a lot at the cost of my dad while my olden days, and got some degrees in education without knowing its value and validity at that time and continued the same habit at my own cost since then that time to present now.And i saw and realized that my life is spent out in the search to know the society,state,and about the people from the ancient civilizations to the present clock-like capitalism as well as about myself too. At last i satisfied myself that i know what i wanted to know that what i am now, is a subject to u all to know.Do u want to judge the whole thing in seconds?But i estimate u in single part of the second before your judgement about me. it is different in practice. Ayub Mohammed
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