why did god have to create nemo?
Question by wormholeworthy: why did god have to create nemo?
do i have any people like me out there? on adhd meds, but cannot.. i mean CANNOT stand animated action/ distraction/ loud noise shit movies that have come out since toy story- began with the godddamn fish movie that only had the good parts on the infomercials? finding nemo? massive headache… that up movie? writers can take that script and shove it up their asseholes i miss what everyone misses and i know im being bias; but shit was better in grade school man.. nala. lion king… little mermaid… notre damnn. beauty beast? all i can say is thank god and praise the lawd the new frog princess is 2d right?im not sure.. thats a slight step up from lion king i guess.. i cannot wait to see it and abou tto piss myself finally someone is with me on this one that makes movies!
Best answer:
Answer by Kthxbye
Gee, how about you stop watching animated films then?
God didn’t create Nemo, moron. It was made in a studio by artists.
God doesn’t even exist.
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