Why do movie producers feel the need to adapt games into movies?
Question by Devon: Why do movie producers feel the need to adapt games into movies?
I play games, and stories like Metal Gear Solid, Legend of Zelda and Final Fantasy VII are actually engaing. But why should games be made into movies. The success rate of these films are pretty close to none. To me, only DIE HARD FANS of games, (which I’m not. I don’t even play games that much.) would waste their money on that garbage. Just becuase a game to be proves popular on the small screen doesn’t mean it will always perform well on the silver screen.
Also, what could producers do better to make a game movie better and perhaps worthy to win a golden globe or another award other than a Razzie?
Oh yeah. I’m not some whacked out gamer trying to rant (I don’t even consider myself as a gamer.) I’m just curious about how an individual can just produce a movie without putting any effort into the plot, characthers, and etc.
Video game developers worked their butts off to develop a game with detailed plot, characthers and etc. How come movie producers can’t do the same?
Yo Joe. Nevr really thought about age groups. Thanks for pointing that out.
Oddball, interesting answer
I’m getting some pretty well thought and very informative responses so far. Thank you for your answers. = )
Best answer:
Answer by Shanghai Joe
Some of them have really good stories, but they need a screenwriter and director that cares. I think you will see better video game movies when our generation gets older and become directors/writers, because we grew up with games and appreciaite them unlike the 40-50 year-old directors who don’t know how to approach them
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!