Why do movies cost so much?
Question by Dallas M: Why do movies cost so much?
I understand that a lot of movies today are very expensive to make. Many cost Hundreds of millions of dollars and will take hundred of years of man hours to produce. “Pirates of the Caribbean” was one of these movies. It is easily an $ 8 movie, and I probably would have paid as much as $ 12/ticket to see it. It was really good.
“Snakes on a Plane” is not an $ 8 movie. It is not a $ 6 movie. It might be a $ 5 movie. Yeah, I think I would have happily paid $ 5 for a cheep joke of a movie and have been happy afterwards. But I’m not going to pay $ 10 to see a $ 5 movie. Few will. That is why so many movies bust at the box office. They are trying to sell their $ 5 movies for the price of a $ 10 movie. No one wants to pay that.
It’s like VW trying to get people to pay the same amount for a Beetle as the person would shell out for a BMW. It doesn’t make sense. Why don’t Theatres have different prices for different movies?
Best answer:
Answer by cdj514
I went to the movies and paid 9.75 per ticket. What happened to the 5.50 movie. Are there still any $ 1 movies.
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