Why do they keep making stupid Superman movies like the last one? Why don’t they get a good story like the
Question by joeleegoss: Why do they keep making stupid Superman movies like the last one? Why don’t they get a good story like the
Doomsday story and make a movie out of it yes it would cost some money but it would be a great movie? I think it would gross a lot and start a new franchise for WB what do you think? I don’t mean like that stupid cartoon that just came out it did not even follow the comic books I mean a live action version
Best answer:
Answer by Jon Buquor
Totally agree. I am a fan and watch all the movies, and I am SOOOO tired of seeing the old Lex Luthor be the villian. Doomsday would be fantastic. The comics have modernized, why can’t the movies.
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