Why do we idolize movie stars and entertainers?
Question by haole: Why do we idolize movie stars and entertainers?
Seriously, all they do is entertain. They offer no valuable insight nor knowledge. They do nothing but put a smile on our face, leaving us temporarily satisfied. But yet, they make millions of dollars and have worshipers around the globe. Why don’t we idolize scientists or scholars or even novelists (at least they produce something tangible)? Don’t get me wrong I enjoy tv and movies probably more than most. And yes, you could most likely be correct in labeling me a hypocrite, but I also subscribe to several scientific journals, and could name a dozen people off the top of my head who are making an effort to change the way we live for the better.
Which brings me to my next point; The only thing worse than over-rated entertainers is the exploitative magazine industry. Really, how do they make money? I don’t see any reason to read a single one of the never ending tabloid type of magazines such as Star, Entertainment Weekly, People, Seventeen, Enquirer, etc. And they all say the same thing. Do people hate learning that much?
I wonder how different the world would be if people worked on bettering themselves rather than trying to be like someone else. We really are morons, all of us.
Ziggy, yes we are.
Resto, don’t get me started on the octuplet mom.
Best answer:
Answer by Sylar
Most people are easily misled.
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