Why does everyone say chances of making it in Hollywood are zero?
Question by Wendy: Why does everyone say chances of making it in Hollywood are zero?
I am tired of the corporate world. For reasons that og beyond the scope of this forum I went ot college for degrees i dont like. But I have always been creatively inclined. I am a good writer, I love the creative arts, I like acting and I plan on taking classes. I want a career in the entertainment industry – in some creative capacity. Acting, writing, producing. In fact, many actors go beyond just acting and enter production. Some actors started as writers (Ben Affleck and Matt Damon) but also acted in what they wrote. Point being: the possibilities are there. But why does everyone say the chances of making it in Hollywood are next to zero? I mean, if everyone thought that, then there wouldnt be any awesome movie and great actors these days. I dont get it. I mean I dont expect it to be easy but EVERYONE I talk to tells me chances of making it in Hollywood in some capacity or another are next to zero. They dont just say that to me though, it is what I read everywhere. Stuff like everyone in LA is an actor, you are one of millions, tough competition etc. I know. I get it. But given the dozens of movies that come out each year and hundreds of other productions, how can people say your chances are bad?
It interests me and i need to know because if my chances are really bad, I dont want to pursue it then. it would be stupid. I mean whats the point? Yes I want ot love my work but constantly starving and living paycheck to paycheck, working towards something that will never happen is not very reassuring and i would be out of my mind to try. Who would do that? I have read horror stories about people coming out here trying to make it and quit after a few years and go back to their hometowns etc. What if you turn 50, have no 401 k, nothing ot show for in the business? And then what? But then again, there are those who make it big – as evidenced by the level of activity in tinsletown. So, can anyone who is real tell me what’s going on? I want the truth, no sugarcoating, but I also want a realistic assessment by maybe someone who knows all this, instead of doomsday folks or jealous folks who never made it themselves and dump on others. Anyone?
Best answer:
Answer by The_acting_queen
Because a lot of people who don’t even really like acting move to LA without any experience, training, or talent and are shocked when they don’t become Johnny Depp overnight.
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