Why doesn’t ebay have any competition?
Question by gregdaman925: Why doesn’t ebay have any competition?
I was just curious “Why doesn’t ebay have any solid competition?”. There are thousands of great internet entrepreneurs out there and barely any of them have attempted to come up with a solid website to compete with ebay. The concept is fairly simple “come up with a website that is just as good as ebay with smaller selling fees so that sellers can give better deals and make good money. All I see are a bunch of ordinary people with pre-made scripts thinking they can take over ebay with $ 500 in the bank. Websites such as Overstock.com and Yahoo have attempted to take on Ebay but made the mistake of making the auction part of their own domain. I think the next great ebay competitor needs to make it a single website and needs to start off by charging really small fees to help the website grow and offer good customer service. I think most ebay sellers are sick and tired of ebay’s outrageous fees that are slowly going up every year. Ebay could charge a $ .10 a listing and still make a profit.
Best answer:
Answer by TalentedChimp
It’s called “critical mass”. Anyone starting up and displaying any success would be bought by eBay. Could you resist an offer of $ 10 million for your website? Small change for eBay.
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