Why is Hollywood remaking old movies when there’s so much more interesting stuff out there?
Question by MrRm: Why is Hollywood remaking old movies when there’s so much more interesting stuff out there?
There has been gazillion movies about the American Civil War, Vietnam, WW2, Greek and Roman wars… why doesn’t Hollywood make movies about histories of small nations.
For example, make a movie about the 2000 Hungarian patriots that defended their fort against 100.000 Turks (and this is not an exagerated figure, unlike the million Persians in “300”) – and won!
Hungary made a movie about this event called “Egri csillagok” but it sucks. Hollywood needs to take the idea and produce a great movie about it.
I’m sure lots of other nations have similar events.
Best answer:
Answer by Suzy
Lack of imaginiation….same with television
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