why is it that none (except me) understand ending 2 movie limitless ? nature/failure/success of abstract power?
Question by : why is it that none (except me) understand ending 2 movie limitless ? nature/failure/success of abstract power?
why is it that none (except me) understand the ending to the movie limitless ? read starting from center. &, 1 of 2 meanings: just as math can influence 1d6 reality, similarly choices influence reality. &, before even the 1st of 2, that the entire story would not have taken place IF Eddie had not changed his mind about taking free nzt sample, which is brother-in law offered to him to help Eddie with his problems. then, begins story & meaning of life the audience learns from decisions that Eddie decides to take. 1st lesson is that if the woman wants u @ end of your 1st conversation with her, such as in movie Source-Code or the movie Adjustment Bureau, THEN do what you can to keep her. THE METHOD TO USE(/do) (this) IS SIMILAR TO BASEBALL, 1ST/2ND/3RD BASE & THEN HOME-RUN, but foul[s] [mistake(s) or/& bad judgement] do/does NOT HELP in achieving his goal(s) unless fate or/& destiny intervenes, such as in case of Eddie, where fate or/& destiny had to offer a helping hand to keep Eddie on his track, similar to movie that of Adjustment Bureau, where last letter [u] is silent like in japanese: effects of nzt prevent Eddie from being faithful to his girlfriend, since nzt erases some parts of his memory especially his recent memor(y/ies), unless he is traveling to alternate time-line[s], similar to movie Butteryfly-Effect, with help of nzt, that particular part is uncertain. and, the 2nd: arrogance or/& greed can undo good or/and evil, that arrogance or/& greed does not discriminate if person or/and thing [tool or/& device] is good or/& evil. he or Eddie [BRADLEY COOPER] lectures his friend about this THAT OF NOT OVER-REACHING [HE THAT IS HIS CHARACTER MAKES A SIMILAR MISTAKE IN ANOTHER MOVIE MEAT-TRAIN that IF he had not gotten greedy that his character would not have ended up in his crap or very bad situation later as the story progresses] but fails to take his own advise is why he is hit with “bad karma”, when he decides to borrow $ from gangster rather than simply wait 1 month for his $ to expand, similar to him almost hitting a lady crossing the street and a truck [not sure which even took place first] when Eddie decides to not slow down, is and was symbol of his temporary arrogance or/& greed, where his final greed act was him borrowing $ from gangster was similar to cherry topping on a cake to finalize his almost future failure of him being almost undone, where conclusion is one ought to stay within one’s limit. and, did any1 pay attention TO ENDING in movie limitless ? ANY1 LISTEN to what Eddie Morra said at end of movie ? because from comments that i read that ALMOST NONE listened to NOR paid attention to what Eddie Morra said, that it seems like most of the commentators made up false explanations to what happened in end of movie including also in 2nd restaurant scene, just AFTER his last friendly conversation with his ex-Friend [robert de niro] near the end, where in the restaurant, he was NOT speaking in korean nor in japanese, but that he was/is speaking in chinese to the male waiter who was about to take food order from Eddie Morra; while, in similar scene in middle of movie, he was speaking in italian to the lady waiter. LET ME EXPLAIN IT TO YOU: IN THE END OF THE MOVIE: Eddie Morra said he made a secret company for himself to make the drug nzt said this to CrVL who seemed to have become his enemy tried to close down to prevent Eddie from getting his drug nzt, including he does not fear his CrVL, who told Eddie that he ought to be scared of him, then Eddie tells his Cr.V.L, that he knows how to defend himself in terms of strategy [leaves out the part that he (Eddie) can also defend himself physically) that Eddie explains that he can perfectly analyze situation such as an accident that is about to happen that he explains: he can analyze situation[s] & predict what will happen similar to weather predictions using complicated physics that few understand but Eddie has ability to absorb the data or information & convert it to particular data & plug into his secret equations to be able to make prediction to what will happen such as a car accident that takes place near end of the movie. Eddie explains that he has many useful mental skills allowing him to be 50 moves ahead of CrVL, who has now become his enemy, who is told by Eddie to not start fight with him, & that he (Eddie) is not worried about CrVL, NOR wish to be his b*tch, that he (Eddie) want to work for himself and his personal goals to make world a better place for every1 in morally good sense that his ex-friend lacks, morals, similar to most characters in the movie lacks morals. &, he is not sleeping around that most commentators think, that he loses some of his memory of his past, due to effects of nzt & while he is searching for a new girlfriend while his ex told him to get lost, but later returns back to Eddie after realizing he is a financial success, was missing from her previous boyfriend (Eddie: almost the same Eddie). .. … .
Best answer:
Answer by ♔Garénth
Because just like I said on your other question, it is too complicated for us to understand, and you are just that spectacular and unbeatable.
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