Why should I choose a digital camera instead of a 35mm movie camera.?
Question by : Why should I choose a digital camera instead of a 35mm movie camera.?
I’m in high school and I want to start making short films and possibly even a feature length film. The only problem is everyone tells me I should get a digital camera because it’s much cheaper. Yeah, that’s great, but from what I’ve seen of digital cameras in my price range, (5,000 dollars) the quality is awful, yeah it really is good quality for such cheap camera’s but it is so unpleasing to look at. Even the 24p that comes on cameras such as the canon hv20. It doesn’t look good. I also want to continue making movies out of highschool, I want to make a career out of it. I want my movie’s to be shown in theaters across the country. But movies can’t be shown in theatre’s if the quality is this bad. And like I said it’s not horrible, but average movie goers would not want to waste there time seeing a movie that’s shot in mini DV, and I won’t be able to make money off my films to produce the next movies, not too many people are going to want to see movies filmed in Mini DV.
Best answer:
Answer by fhotoace
Who is everyone? Other director/producers?
Here is what production companies use and they always rent the equipment they use.
If you are planning on shooting video that will be later converted to 35 mm release prints, then here are the ones being used at this time
You will notice that there are NO Canon cameras in the mix and if you look up the rental cameras, you will see that they are cameras that can cost over $ 50,000 or much, much more. Defiantly cameras you want to rent, not own.
If there is one video camera to buy, it would be the Red One
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