Why should men be looked at as physically tougher and stronger than women in recent movies show otherwise?
Question by Max_Power: Why should men be looked at as physically tougher and stronger than women in recent movies show otherwise?
Don’t you know it’s downright insulting and degreding to men to not only make them sign up for Selective Service and only make men go on the front lines of conbat, but to also make movies like the Resident Evil trilogy, Tombraider trilogy, and new movies like The Losers and Iron Man 2 where women can waste not only ordinary men in a fight, but trained men and tougher than average men in a fight?
These movies are spitting on the male image by saying that women are better fighters, they’re faster, stronger, far more agile, can dodge bullets, YET, we would rather YOU, the men, go out there on the front lines and get yourself killed while the fighters fighters, women, get to point and laugh at you while they stay safe and mock you while they get to watch you die while they don’t have to be in ANY sort of danger but we are forcing you, the men, to do so..THAT IS THE MESSSAGE THAT IS BEIBNG FED WITH MORE AND MORE OF THESE MOVIES.
Yes, I already know what you’re going to say, “It’s JUST A MOVIE.”, “Get your head out of your as# and learn to know the difference.” and 1 or 2 other crude or rude responses to me.
If you ask me, I think society (both men and women in general), has lost a lot of respect for men after all these years since around the time the album “Slave to the Grind” by Skid Row came out because most men have allowed themselves to be feel ashamed by their very manhood, just for being a man.
Really, if the media wants to continue to degrade men and not only make movies where men are viewed as too slow, pathetic, and weak to even stand a chance against a woman in a fight, but also make TV commercials where men are on the receiving end of looking stupid, retarded, looking like a dork(remember that Doritos commercial and the young man, dog, and the shock collar?), less intelligent than women, and even so stupid that it looks like a miracle that they even managed to make it past the 7th grade let along graduate high school, then this country is treating men like sh#t and it gives men not as strong of an inclination to defend it. Remember that stupid-as# McDonald’s commercial where the parents frantically rush to get their kid a happy meal like he’s like a bomb in his head about to explode and kill him, and when they bring him his happy meal, he thanks only mom and completely ignores dad? That commercial REALLY disgusted me.
And if you say it’s just for funnies that men act stupid in commercials, then what’s wrong with making women look this stupid in commercials as well? If’s just somehow wrong to make women look that, then it should be wrong to make men look that as well.
“IF recent movies show otherwise”. I made a typo in my question.
Best answer:
Answer by .
Because its true life.
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