Why won’t my M15X Alienware laptop play games?!?

Question by Tom- no name: Why won’t my M15X Alienware laptop play games?!?
OK, so my new alienware m15x is about 2 months old. i have downloaded alot of games and NONE of them worth. the games include:
-GTA san andres
-Age of Mythology
-Rome total war
-SimCity Socities
Also there are allot of software that doesn’t work including music editing, movie making softwares. The only thig that works is the internet, photoshop and illustrator and skype.
i don’t know why these prgrams won’t work can anyone tell me why they won’t work.

This is the message that minecraft sends:

Bad video card drivers!

Minecraft was unable to start because it failed to find an accelerated OpenGL mode.
This can usually be fixed by updating the video card drivers.

— BEGIN ERROR REPORT 7fe0271 ——–
Generated 7/02/11 8:44 PM

Minecraft: Minecraft Beta 1.2_02
OS: Windows 7 (x86) version 6.1
Java: 1.6.0_23, Sun Microsystems Inc.
VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (mixed mode), Sun Microsystems Inc.
LWJGL: 2.4.2
[failed to get system properties (java.lang.NullPointerException)]

org.lwjgl.LWJGLException: Pixel format not accelerated
at org.lwjgl.opengl.WindowsPeerInfo.nChoosePixelFormat(Native Method)
at org.lwjgl.opengl.WindowsPeerInfo.choosePixelFormat(WindowsPeerInfo.java:52)
at org.lwjgl.opengl.WindowsDisplay.createWindow(WindowsDisplay.java:185)
at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.createWindow(Display.java:311)
at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.create(Display.java:856)
at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.create(Display.java:784)
at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.create(Display.java:765)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(SourceFile:243)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:606)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
— END ERROR REPORT 7d60630e ———-

Can anyone tell me how to fix anything on my M15X!!! Please

Best answer:

Answer by Spooning Good Singing Gum
Did you try reinstalling your video card drivers with the latest version?

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