Why You Should Commission a Family Documentary
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material on a clip reel, or even better yet. Keep adding to the epic that you have already started.
In the end
Think about it. You are part of the first generation that is able to hand down a visual record of the life that you are living. Without that, you’re just a deleted social security number and a tomb stone. I just finished editing the home movies for the first four years of my daughter’s life. I love my child more then I ever thought possible, and I have from time to time, sat in front of the camera and told her just how wonderful it is to be her father. Now thanks to this medium, and the fact that I took the time and made the effort to produce her video, I can share those feelings of joy with her now and for the rest of our lives.
The Family Media that I have produced is something that will live on beyond my mortal life. And
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