WordPress tutorial: Writing HTML page code | lynda.com

This WordPress tutorial demonstrates how to create a home page using semantic HTML code. Watch more at www.lynda.com This specific tutorial is just a single movie from chapter two of the WordPress 3: Creating and Editing Custom Themes course presented by lynda.com author Chris Coyier. The complete WordPress 3: Creating and Editing Custom Themes course has a total duration of 4 hours and 28 minutes, and covers the steps necessary to build a theme using a complete workflow with Photoshop, HTML, CSS, and WordPress 3.0 WordPress 3: Creating and Editing Custom Themes table of contents: Introduction 1. From Spec to Photoshop 2. Converting Photoshop to HTML/CSS 3. Building a WordPress Theme 4. Beyond the Theme Conclusion
Video Rating: 4 / 5

The video says it all. Make sure you read the readme.jpg within the release for more details. Credits: Brains Collector – Arm and glove texture Valve – Default model Sixtoes – Top sleeve texture Shaban – Top Sleeve texture recolour William Brutality – Full sleeve model Happy Camper – Full Sleeve Texture ImBrokeRU – Css default rig + full sleve edits, rigging, sculpting —————————- DOWNLOAD: NOTE: There was some controller issue with the upperarm. That has been fixed. Mediafire: www.mediafire.com Skydrive: cid-a7c798f4da6811c4.office.live.com Music link: www.youtube.com