Write Great Hypnosis Scripts- And Sell Them!


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Write Great Hypnosis Scripts- And Sell Them!

The reason why some hypnosis scripts are better than others is due to the quality of the writer. Like any document- book, article or reference, the ability to engage all comes down to the skill with which the work was written.

Personally, I like to think that I’m quite good at writing- granted, my spelling isn’t all that, but I like to think that my work is intuitive, interesting and engaging.

When it comes to writing hypnosis scripts, the art of doing so, is greatly influenced by the writers skills and abilities, both as a writer, and as a hypnotherapist. If adequate training has been provided, then the writer will know that the ideal script should contain Milton Model patterns, linguistic presuppositions, embedded commands and sensory predicates. Take the following paragraph for example:

”That’s right, he

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