You Suck at Photoshop – Filter: Liquify

MORE: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook: Donnie’s four day hold-up at the airport makes for some heavy duty Photoshop diversion. 2008 Webby Award Winner Best How-to Series Best Comedy Series – People’s Voice Best How-to Series – People’s Voice
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A step by step installing Tutorial for Magic Lantern 0.2 RC1 on the Canon EOS 550D / Rebel t2i using Windows. PLEASE NOTE THAT THINGS HAVE CHANGED. THIS IS THE FIRST TUT EVER RELEASED IN 2010 !!! (AND IT STILL SERVES ITS PURPOSE) HOWEVER SOME WAYS AND INFOS ARE OBSOLETE OR PERFORMED OTHERWISE TODAY (04/2012) If you don’t know about the project already check it out at We are going through the whole process of updating the Canon firmware, making the card bootable, flashing the ml-firmware, and installing Magic Lantern in the end. In case you want to stop using the ML Firmware, be sure to reverse the card from being “bootable” to “non bootable” with EOScard before inserting into your cam. *** Links for the files used in the tutorial: Mirror: *** I can be in no way held responsible for any harm you do to your equipment. 2010
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