20 Top Secret Internet Marketing Conversion Methods!
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20 Top Secret Internet Marketing Conversion Methods!
Tip 1:
Use audio or video on your website.
Be sure to post any videos you create on YouTube and Google Video. When you do this add an intro and exits screen that containing your website url. Use on page personalization. When someone arrives at your website from an email or an optin form – their name appears on the page where ever you specify. This has been proven to increase conversions…
Tip 2:
Do not place the persons name no more than 3 times. Website personalization is done via a very simple .php script you just copy and paste into your website. Below is the script – just past into your html website.
Tip 3:
Use email follow-up. It might sound obvious but if you’re just starting out online and want to boost the sales on your website email follow-up essential.
You must email often. Prospects – email every day for at least 10 days. Yo must use follow up for prospects and customers. Review the lesson on email sequences for best converstions.
Here’s how it works…
1. Send your website visitors to an optin page and offer them a free incentive in return for their name and email address. Use a professional autoresponder service to send your new subscribers a series of sequential messages once every 3 days or so. In these messages remind then of your offer and mix this in with the valuable content promised on your optin page.
2. Once they have subscribed automatically redirect them to your sales page.
3. In the background your autoresponder then send them their first email. Then every few days your autoresponder does this automatically for you. Can you see the power in
Ideally you need to contact your subscribers with reminders of your offer at least 20-30 times or more. But don’t forget to mix this in with useful content to give your subscribers a reason for remaining subscribed.
Tip 4:
Include your contact details on every page of your website. This helps to gain the trust of your website visitors because you can be easily reached.
The best way of doing this is setting up a support desk and linking to this from the pages of your website.
A support desk not only looks more professional it also makes it easier for you to manage the questions you’ll get from people visiting your site.Here’s the support desk software I use…
Tip 5:
Don’t just sell from your website make your website visitors an “offer”. An offer
needs to be something that gives people a good reason to act now and not later.
This could be:
You have a limited number of your product in stock
The price goes up in 24 hours
Your discount coupon code is only good until Friday
Or how about your website visitor has 7 minutes to take action before
the special offer vanishes for good?
Add a limit to whatever you’re offering and you’ll see your sales increase!
Tip 6:
Add “reassurance” logos to your website. It’s been proven by many online marketers that displaying recognized “trusted and verify by” logos can increase your conversions.
In many cases when your website visitors see the above logos they and they may feel more comfortable in giving your their private financial
Tip 7:
Never have out-going links on your sales page. You don’t want your prospect to leave for any reason. Don’t help him or her by giving them links to leave. If you do have links – make sure they open in a new window. Why give them reasons to leave with links to other websites?
Tip 8:
Use high quality website graphics by hiring a professional website designer. First impression that really counts! If your website looks like CRAP . . . what impression will this leave about the quality of the product or service you’re selling?
Tip 9:
Test and track everything.
Those people who test, test and test are those who succeed. What you need to be doing through your testing is to find out what works and what doesn’t. Spit test your sites. Here are some great
Google tools for tracking purposes.
Tip 10:
Use quality ecommerce tools to manage your payment processing and your affiliate program. If you don’t get your ordering system set up right it doesn’t matter how well optimized your website is for sales. Part of improving conversions is to reduce what’s called shoppingcart abandonment. You do not want your prospect to leave without purchasing your product or service. This is the goal – right?
The thing is even though you might have persuaded 500 people to order your product what if they arrive at the order page and can’t place their order because the system doesn’t allow them to order for one reason or another or they simply cannot figure out how to use the DARN thing?
How are you staying in touch with them? Are you making them a one time special offer for your
product? There’s one system we use and it’s the same one I recommend you use too because it takes care of everything for you…
Tip 11:
On your sales letter give people the option to order via a text link or a graphical button. Whenever youcreate a sales letter you should give people the choice of ordering through a link or a button. This is done because some people respond better to text links than graphical buttons.
It doesn’t take any extra time or effort to set up so why not make it as easy as possible for people to place an order with you.
Tip 12:
Include photos of the product you’re selling on your website. If you’re selling a digital product just use a 3D cover image to represent you product as if it was physical. It’s been proven many times – when you show people a
picture of what they’re getting they respond better. People look at pictures first before reading a single word.
Tip 13:
Use involvement devices on your website. When you get your website visitors involved and interacting with your website your conversions can be significantly . This could be just asking your visitors a series of short questions by asking them to check a box on your website or maybe even type in their answers into a series
of box.
If you phrase your questions right you can make your visitors feel that your website is exactly what they’ve been looking for. Try it out and let me know how you get on.
Tip 14:
Be bold in your split-testing. Test the things that have the biggest impact on your sales conversions, for example:
1. The headline for your sales
2. Your sales letter intro text
3. The graphics you’ve used
Tip 15:
Tie in your offers closely to your ad campaigns. Your prospects enjoy a website that’s going to deliver on their promise of the ad… The more customized you can make the target web page and your visitors overall experience the better the response you’ll get. Keep your messages consistent.
Tip 16:
Use a single column layout for your website. You want to control how people view your website and keep them moving in one direction…moving towards the order buttons and order links at the bottom of the page. Everything on your website must serve one single purpose… to get people to place an order with you. If it doesn’t do anything to help this purpose leave it off your site (no matter how “nice” it might look to you).
It’s all about converting the most number of visitors into customers.
Tip 17:
Survey your website visitors AND customers to find out how you can better serve them. After you have their email address – send them to another website. (survey) The people on your list are like gold for you because when you can find out what they want all you do is give it to them. You can use this information to improve your product, improve your sales process and even your customer support.
Tip 18:
Make sure your video or headline plus your optin in form is above the fold. This is extremely important. You never want your visitors to scroll down. Make it super easy.
Tip 19:
A compelling headline is always best. Use a “How-to” heading or create a curiosity headline. This will always convert
to more sales. If your prospecte won’t or don’t read your headline – then they will NOT read the rest of your webiste and they sure will not scroll down and order your product. Make sense?
Tip 20:
Use the “Credibility” logos mentioned above to increase conversions around your “Guarantee” and your order section. Help people to feel safe and comfortable on your website. Do everything possible to help your prospect to relax and feel peace of mind about their purchase.
These common sense conversion tactics are great…but if you want really powerful conversion methods and traffic secrets that will blow your mind, then you need to get my FREE secrets at my website right now.
Jonathan Goldbucks is the MarketingSPY. He has been spying and snooping on the Internet Marketing gurus for 10 years. Go grab your FREE internet marketing secrets right now that will increase your profits dramatically. Go there now: http://www.39secrets.com FREE – no obligation – no hidden upsales.
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