3 Great Ways to Earn Extra Money with Writing


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items in their blogs on a frequent basis. Google often rewards blogs with fresh content by sending more visitors their way. Several websites, like elance.com, are now available where freelancers can bid on all kinds of writing assignments from all over the world. 

Writing eBooks Online: In the traditional printed book world an expensive print run of at least of 1,000 to 5,000 books has to be made before you can even test to see if there is a sufficient market for the subject. This method also takes a lot of precious time before even the first book can be sold. Since an eBook is just an electronic file, it has no material cost and it can be sold almost as soon as it is written. The biggest financial risk is usually just the cost of researching and writing.

Ebooks are great for people that buy on impulse because within a few minutes of paying

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