3 Great Ways to Earn Extra Money with Writing


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online, the eBook file is on their computer. There is absolutely no waiting for the mail. Some entrepreneurs have done extremely well writing just 10 to 15 page reports that sell on the internet. 

One of the keys to success in writing eBooks is learning how to pick a hot topic before you even start writing. Another essential task is to learn is how to market it once it is written.

Screenwriting for Movies: According to Moni Share, a veteran script reader turned screenwriter; the average working Hollywood screenwriter makes about 0,000 per year. After my many years of reading scripts, she learned that “99.9% of the script submissions out there are complete garbage. People don’t have a clue about structure, plot, story, characters, or anything marketable. People have no idea what would make a good film.” As a result, Moni has written a book

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