Twilight Girls Cast List

I OWN NOTHING WHAT SO EVER!! ALL CREDIT GOES TO MUTEMATH STEPHENIE MEYER SUMMIT ENTERTAINMENT CC CREATORS AND ANY OTHERS!! I know I know, I’ll take care of it girls *huge breath* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. . . :3 So yeah this was not the poll winner but I felt like posting girls who got a part please send me your email so when I have the full cast I can send the Script out girls please try and find guys 🙁 I need them for Twilight xD Congrats those who got in! You did amazing! Sorry those who didn’t make it. You may be casted as an extra so yeah 🙂 Thank you all auditioners!! -Kristin xoxox
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Over the years, people have built the image of S. Bhagat Singh as an extremist with a gun in his hands who killed Saundres and then threw a bomb in assembly. Bhagat Singh is a role model for numberless people including the young generation. Through this Documentary we tried to change that image of S.Bhagat Singh in the minds of all of those and tried people to think of the other side of the coin. Bhagat Singh was a great visionary, a very good reader and had a good sense of humor. The reason behind this documentary was to make the next generation follow those steps of Bhagat Singh. Also we tried to highlight some students of Ludhiana who are spreading his (Bhagat Singh’s) thoughts all over by selling his books, written material and through Street Plays on Bus-stands, Railway stations and other crowded places. Mr. Rajeev Sharma conceptualized this documentary and Amandeep Singh directed the script written by S.Pali Bhupinder Singh.
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